Top 3 healthy living blogs of 2019 Eyes Vision

(1) Health and Fitness: Eyes Vision

Choosing Prescription Eyeglass Frames

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Eye Glass

According to Statista, 64.3% of adult consumers in the United States wear prescription eyeglasses. Studies also indicate that the stats have risen over the past few years. What the statistics boil down to is that three out of four adults require some type of vision correction. Factors include those who are born with poor vision, aging, loss of focus flexibility, and the increase in screen time each day.

Perfect 20/20 vision ensures that we can see things like stop signs, read other important types of signs, and see our family and friends.

Picking the Right Prescription Eyeglass Frames

There are factors that must be considered when choosing prescription eyeglasses.

1 Expense- Eyeglass frames and the prescription lenses can easily cost hundreds of dollars.
2 Style- Choosing the right style that fits your face can be confusing.
3 Time- Locating the right frame style to fit your lifestyle and meet your budget can take a lot of time.Tips to Choosing the Correct Prescription Eyeglasses

The first thing a consumer needs to do is to have an up-to-date eyewear prescription. Visiting your eye care specialist or doctor does take time but having the proper prescription is necessary.

A prescription for eye wear is usually good for two years. If your eyewear prescription is outdated, it is time to visit your eye doctor. Once you have your prescription, there are a few things that you will need to be aware of when it comes to your prescription.

1 Oculus Dexter- refers to the right eye.
2 Oculus Sinister- refers to the left eye.
3 Sphere- the amount of lens power that is prescribed to farsightedness and nearsightedness.
4 ADD- the magnifying power that is given to the bottom part of the bifocal lenses to correct presbyopia.
5 Cylinder- power needed for astigmatism correction.
6 Axis- position of the cylindrical power of the lenses.
7 Pupillary Distance- this is the measurement of the distance between your pupils. The measurement is usually measured in millimeters. The measurements normally fall between 54 and 68 mm.Choosing the Right Eyeglass Frames

When you begin searching for eyeglass frames, it can be a bit confusing. Eyeglass frames should compliment your look and knowing the right size frames is important. Choosing a frame shape that is a contrast to the shape of your face will help to balance your overall look.

You do not want a big square eyeglass frame if you have a small face. The opposite is true when you have a larger face with super small eyeglass frames.

Eyeglass frames come in an assortment of sizes including:

1 Round
2 Classic Frame
3 Square
4 Rectangle
5 Oval
6 Oversized
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Cool Glass

WrapThere are prescription eyeglass frames are available online and is a great choice for those who are trying to save money. Having your prescription ready will make things easier because you will be able to order your frames right away. You will want to choose an optical company that provides excellent customer service so that all of your questions and concerns can be answered.

(2) Health and Fitness: Eyes Vision

New Prescription Glasses and Uncomfortable Eyes? Know Why?

You have recently got yourself a fantastic pair of designer prescription glasses and you can't wait to flaunt them!

On the way to work, you keep checking your reflection in cars and store glasses to see your new found love perched perfectly on your nose.

You find yourself still settling into them as your eyesight is still not very clear, but you do remember your optometrist telling you that it may take time to adjust to the new prescription glasses.

You reach work and have a slight headache. You look it over and start working on your laptop. After an hour, you find that your eyesight is yet not adjusting making you uncomfortable. With itchy eyes, you wonder what went wrong with your new prescription glasses?

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Find below reasons that could be causing you discomfort even with your well thought designer glasses:

Eye Concerns: You may have eye concerns as a result of an underlying health condition like blood pressure or diabetes. Hypertension can also cause blurry vision. If you are over 40, you may have eyes getting dry, or uneasy due to excessive strain while reading;you might have presbyopia.

Prescription Concern: Your prescription may not be accurate if you haven't taken the test right or communicated to your optometrist about your vision concern correctly. If you are using the same one for a long time. We recommend that you check your prescription every year.

Glasses Concern: Glasses sometimes do not get fitted correctly, or are not aligned as required. Maybe you need varifocals or multifocal and need to check your prescription with your optometrist.

Frames Concern: The frame might not fit your face correctly, sometimes the nose pads don't adjust, or the frame is narrow or farther than necessary from your eyes making it difficult for your eyes to adjust to causing unnecessary strain.

Coating Concern: Clear Glasses may not always fulfill your eye concern and going in for anti-glare, digital and progressive lenses that filter the harshness of light through eyeglasses efficiently. Your cause of eye irritation may be the harsh sunlight or your excessive use of your digital devices.

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Your prescription glasses are not only to correct your vision but to do so comfortably. It is very important for your eyes and to avoid any discomfort your prescription glasses should have proper and high quality lenses with your prescription. If you face any further discomfort make sure you remember the common reasons and to visit your optometrist immediately if they persist.

(3) Health and Fitness: Eyes Vision

Food For Healthy Eyes: Why You Need Lutein and Zeaxanthin

If you are looking to prevent eye conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts, a good way to start is to consume the right diet. You need specific nutrients and foods for healthy eyes, but of special note are lutein and zeaxanthin. What are they and how do they keep your eyes healthy?

Lutein and zaexanthin are carotenoids, pigments that give plants red, orange, and yellow colors. Among their functions is protecting plants from high-energy light rays called blue light. These substances are also highly concentrated in the macula of the eye, giving it a yellowish color. In fact, the macula contains a third form of carotenoid, as stated in recent research. This pigment, called meso-zeaxanthin, is produced in the retina using ingested lutein and is not found in any food source.

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The Benefits Of Lutein And Zeaxanthin

The primary benefit of lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin has to do with how they protect the eyes from blue light. They block blue light from reaching the retina which prevents light-induced oxidation that leads to macular degeneration (AMD). They also work with other antioxidants like vitamins C and E and beta-carotene to protect the body from free radicals that damage the cells and cause many diseases.

The benefits of these three carotenoids are well-documented in a number of studies published in reputable journals. The American Journal of Epidemiology, Ophthalmology and Archives of Ophthalmology released research associating high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin with low incidences of macular degeneration. Two studies in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciencefound roughly similar results in that increased levels of macular pigments meant lower risks of developing AMD.

Furthermore, the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS and AREDS2) formulated a daily antioxidant containing vitamins C and E, zinc, and copper, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin. It was found that this combination reduced the risk of AMD progression by 10 to 25 percent. The said research did not clarify if lutein and zeaxanthin also reduced the risk of cataracts.

Foods Containing Lutein And Zeaxanthin

These two nutrients are abundant in green and yellow vegetables, especially leafy ones. Cooked spinach and cooked kale are considered top sources. They are also found in non-vegetarian sources, particularly egg yolks. However, it would be best to stick to vegetarian items if you have high cholesterol levels.

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Just like the rest of the body, the eyes need proper nutrition to stay healthy and free from diseases. Consuming food items rich in lutein and zeaxanthin is a good way to maintain excellent vision.
